Poured Out Relief Team Leaves October 16th and We Need Your Help!
We have been in touch with our staff and community in Torbeck. Venel Dona and Chelo Messeroux Jacques are alright, though they have lost their homes. The entire village surrounding our compound has been destroyed, including the school, church, and Waterhouse. Our compound ( Missions La Bible Parle) is being used as a refugee camp for 300-800 people. Needs include food, water, and tin for shelters.
Poured Out is sending a relief team in October 16th.
We need all the funds we can get to purchase food, tin, medical supplies, and repair the broken Waterhouse so the community has access to clean water. We will also be bringing small emergency filters.
All donations will be going directly to relief efforts, with no administrative costs being taken.
Checks can be made out to Poured Out, Inc. and sent to
Poured Out, Inc.
P.O. Box 127
Willis, MI 48191
Please share and give if you feel led!
Photo Credit: USA Today